

LEARN Logistics is subsidiary of the Kühne Foundation, which supports capacity building in logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) in low- and middle-income countries. LEARN Logistics targets geographic areas in which public or private funding and local resources are not capable of delivering the necessary LSCM education and/or satisfy international quality standards.

Heriot-Watt University (Scottish GaelicOilthigh Heriot-Watt) is a public research university based in EdinburghScotland. It was established in 1821 as the School of Arts of Edinburgh, the world’s first mechanics’ institute, and subsequently granted university status by royal charter in 1966.



Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (KSTU)  is a state higher educational institution of the 4th degree of accreditation. Located in Bishkek ( Kyrgyzstan )

It bears the name of the Hero of the Kyrgyz Republic Ishak Razzakovich Razzakov (1910-1979), a Soviet statesman and party figure, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan (1950-1961).

cooperation with Lica

We are open to cooperation with:

Educational institutions for joint development and implementation of educational programs.
Consulting companies for partnership in the field of complex services.
IT-companies to implement innovative solutions in the field of logistics.
Business associations and professional communities for participation in industry events and exchange of experience.

обучающие тренинги Бишкек